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Welcome to PhonePad 5.


If you're new to PhonePad we recommend you start with the Getting Started section.


A massive amount of work has gone into producing this version.  In fact, it's the biggest update to PhonePad in years.  It features a new, high performance database engine that allows us to do things that weren't possible in previous versions.


PhonePad 5 uses a completely different method for connecting.  Instead of having to manually configure each workstation to connect to the PhonePad database it's now all done automatically.


We have incorporated a lot of changes and new features based on feedback from our wonderful customers.  PhonePad is a continually evolving product that is shaped by people like you.  We truly value your suggestions and look forward to receiving more of them.


We hope you enjoy using PhonePad 5 and find it a valuable tool for your business or organization.



Cybercom Software




While all due care is taken in the writing of this user guide, it's possible that there are errors because we have overlooked something.


If you find that there is missing, incorrect, incomplete, or out-of-date information, please contact us and let us know.  We'll do our best to get it corrected quickly.


Just send an email along with the details to

