General Settings

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The General Settings screen contains settings relevant to the general operation of the MessageSender service and MessageSender Manager.




Message Processing


When checked, the MessageSender service will process messages in the message queue.

Process Emails

When checked, the MessageSender service will process messages that are queued to be sent via email.

Process SMS

When checked, the MessageSender service will process messages that are queued to be sent via SMS.

Process Every x Minutes

Determines how frequently the MessageSender service should check for messages to process.  The default is every 5 minutes.

Activity Log

Detailed Log

When checked, the activity log will display connection information, authentication responses, etc.

Only keep the last x files

When checked, MessageSender will automatically delete older activity log files.  You can specify the number of activity logs to retain.

PhonePad Database Connection

PhonePad Data Folder

Specifies the location of the PhonePad database.  The MessageSender service will not be able to process messages unless this folder is specified.

Date and Time Settings

Status Bar

Specifies the date and time format to display in the status bar.

Message Log

Specifies the date and time format to use in the message log.


Activity Log File Folder

Specifies the location of the Activity Log files.  MessageSender Manager should automatically detect the correct folder so it is recommended you don't change this setting.


Temporary File Folder

Specifies the location of a temporary folder that is used by the MessageSender service.  By default, this setting should be blank.  It is recommended you don't change this setting.