Server IP Address

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On startup, Control Center will check the Server or Host PC's IP Address.




The Server's IP Address will be displayed at the bottom of the window.  If there are multiple IP Addresses on your Server or Host PC then they will all be displayed.



Multiple IP Addresses


If your Server or Host PC has multiple IP addresses and you need to change which one PhonePad 5 Server uses, click the Settings button and enter a new IP Address.




Clicking the Scan IP button allows you to manually scan for multiple IP Addresses on the computer.


Detected IP Addresses

ControlCenter will attempt to detect all active IP Addresses of the host machine and display them in this field.  These addresses will be sent to workstations attempting to connect to the Server.

Add Override

Click this button to use the selected IP Address as the only address to be used.  This only makes sense if your Server has multiple IP Addresses (eg. it has both an Ethernet connection and a Wireless connection).

Override IP Address

This should be left blank unless your Server or Host PC has multiple IP Addresses and you need to specify which IP Address to use.

Delete Override

Deletes the existing override.

Server Port

The main data connection port for PhonePad.  Do not change this unless there is a conflict with another process using the same port.

Server Folder

Shows the location of the PhonePad 5 Server Folder.  This setting cannot be edited.

Server Access Key

PhonePad's Auto-Discovery protocol uses UDP. On some networks this may be blocked.  If you find that workstations are unable to find the PhonePad Server then you can use a Server Access Key that can be used by workstations.  The small buttons to the right of this field generate a Server Access Key and copy the key to the Windows clipboard, respectively.


Registers the Server Access Key.  This must be done for the Server Access Key to work.


Deregisters the Server Access Key, which means users will no longer be able to use it.

Registration Status

This will show either Registered or Unregistered.

Activity Logs

When checked, the service logs it processes and any errors it may encounter.  It's recommended you have this checked.

Performance Boost

Displays the Performance Boost screen.




Control Center will automatically add the necessary inbound and outbound exception rules to the Windows Firewall on the Server or Host PC so that PhonePad 5 on your workstations can connect to and communicate with the PhonePad 5 Server on your Server or Host PC.