Error Reporting

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PhonePad has a lot of error checking built-in.  It will handle errors if they occur and display an error message if necessary  


The Error Reporting feature is a little different.  It catches bugs in the software, analyzes them, collects important system information, and sends it to us,  This allows Support staff to resolve any issues and to help us continually improve our software.






Automatically Send Error Reports (recommended)


When selected, whenever the system detects unhandled errors it will send them to us in the background without any user intervention required.  This is the recommended setting as you don't need to do anything.


The reasons we recommend this option is that, firstly it avoids unnecessarily interrupting user workflow, and secondly it allows us to respond to bugs faster.


Prompt Users to Send Error Reports When They Occur


When selected, a user message will be displayed whenever an error or other issue is encountered.  The user will need to click the Send Report button and enter their details.



Error message




A typical example of error details.





The error reporting process only collects system and application information. No private information is collected.